
Contributions to the project can be in form of issue submissions, feature requests, writing code , and documentation

Issues and feature requests should be submitted at the project's Github issue page. Code submissions and documentation should be submitted through Git pull requests(PRs)

How to submit PRs

Setting up

  1. Create github account at
  2. Fork the repository
  3. Clone your forked repo locally bash git clone url_to_repo
  4. Add origin repo to your remotes. This will be used to keep the master branch in sync with the original repo bash git remote add upstream url_to_original_repo
  5. Create feature/patch branch git checkout -b patch_branch
  6. Make changes to file

  7. Stage the changes bash git add ./*

  8. Commit the changes bash git commit -m "Fix issue ..."
  9. Push feature/patch to github bash git push origin patch_branch
  10. Create pull request(PR). Go to you forked repo and create PR

Submit another chnage

  1. checkout the master branch git checkout master
  2. Pull changes from the original repo’s master to your local master. bash git fetch upstream
  3. Merge changes into local master bash git merge --ff upstream/master
  4. Create feature/patch branch bash git checkout -b patch_branch
  5. Make changes to file and stage the changes git add ./*
  6. Commit the changes git commit -m "Fix issue ..."
  7. Push feature/patch to github git push origin patch_branch
  8. Create PR. Go to you forked repo and create PR